By Grandpa Tucker

There was a silly snake named Rube,

Who fell in love with a plastic tube.

When they went out for a stroll

He would wiggle, she would roll.

Back up the hill we'd see him stagger.

She wouldn't crawl, he had to drag her.

He fed her well and dressed her nice,

But she just couldn't hold her mice.

He took her to the Costume Ball.

There she leaned against the wall,

And spread her strange hypnotic trance

While posing in a model's stance.

The Vamping Vipers rose to sing,

The crowd all danced that "Wild Snake Thing.

The music seemed to move her soul.

She dropped and did some rock and roll.

The boy snakes' hearts snapped like elastic,

At the rolling beauty made of plastic.

Their thoughts began to make them wishful,

The girl snakes thought her "artificial."

Rube finally had to face the facts,

She wasn't one who could relax.

They broke up, and to recoup,

He ran around with a hula hoop.